All 20 GOP senators signed on to Senate Bill 16, which would apply to currently registered voters, and restrict some to only ...
A new report from the Workers Defense Project finds that laborers in Texas' most dangerous injury aren't well paid and lack ...
Gambling critics hope the net loss of more than a dozen votes for sports betting — and 10 votes for casinos — will be enough ...
Gov Abbott is rightly putting Texas water infrastructure in the forefront. While a voter-approved $1B Water Fund was a ...
The center would "accelerate research into dementia, attracting top talent to our state and creating high quality jobs," Sen.
Texas lawmakers have introduced legislation aimed at modernizing the state’s alcohol laws by allowing spirits-based ...
On Tuesday morning, the Texas House Committee on Public Education are meeting in front of a dozens of public education ...
It would expand the state's current mail theft statute, adding a specific offense for stealing mail keys or mailbox locks.
While tariffs could increase prices for renewables and oil and gas, pending bills before the Texas Legislature could bring new regulatory burdens for wind and solar projects.
Senate Bill 13 states that school districts would appoint an advisory council, made up of mostly parents, recommending which ...
Under Senate Bill 21, the Texas Comptroller would be able to invest state funds in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.