"It is a great stroke of luck that Aditya-L1 was able to witness such a strong flare right at the beginning of its research ...
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has called home, sending a signal confirming that it survived a historically close encounter with the sun, when it traveled to within 3.8 million miles of the flaring ...
A little over a year ago, and about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from where you’re currently reading this, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe quietly made history by safely flying through ...
But the Parker Solar Probe was, in reality, launched to study the sun, not save our phones from it, and an internet apocalypse is at the moment no closer to devastating our online connections than ...
He currently leads the SWEAP Investigation, an international team of scientists and engineers building sensors that will collect samples of the Sun for the NASA Solar Probe Plus spacecraft, a mission ...
Artist's illustration of the Parker Solar Probe at the sun. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben UPDATE 2: The Parker Solar Probe launched as planned at 3:31 a.m. ET on Sunday morning ...
NASA will soon launch its Parker Solar Probe on a mission that will take it closer to the sun than any spacecraft in history. The probe will fly straight into the sun's outer atmosphere ...
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India's first sun-studying spacecraft, Aditya-L1, has captured one of our star's fiery outbursts in new detail. Solar flares occur in regions where the sun's magnetic fields become tangled ...