Girl Scout Troop #6150 was busy selling cookies in front of Kroger Saturday. Caitlin and Raigen Smith were manning the booth for their troop on a sunny afternoon as people lined up to buy the cookies,
Axios Chicago readers have spoken and the Samoa, also known as Caramel deLites in some regions, is your favorite Girl Scout cookie. By the numbers: Neraly 900 of you voted and Samoas beat Thin Mints by a sliver of coconut.
National Girl Scout Day is March 12, which is the perfect excuse to stock up on Samoas, Thin Mints, and Tagalongs before the cookie season is over.
The viral panic over Girl Scout Cookies highlights a larger issue: Consumers are struggling to navigate food safety claims, especially when misinformation spreads faster than fact-checking.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska announced the cookie season has been extended, allowing more time to get your favorite yummy treats.
Girl Scouts also can choose a “Philanthropist” option, meaning this year their rewards will turn into donations to support the new pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo. (The panda is this year’s “mascot” for the cookie sale.)
Girl Scout Cookie season may be wrapping up, but there’s still time to donate cookies to hometown heroes. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Girl Scout troops in the QCA are still collecting
To be honest, it’s the only table set up outside of a grocery store that I’ll stop and investigate. There’s nothing like cracking open a box of Girl Scout cookies for the first time in a long time, and typically, when you see them for sale, you’ve got to jump on them. I’ve been known to buy Thin Mints in bulk.
Virginia Skyline Girl Scouts are taking cookie orders and setting up cookie booths around the area. Sales end March 31.
Town Spa, located at 1119 Washington St., Stoughton, 02072: If you prefer to get them in person, a booth will be set up on Saturday, March 8, noon to 4 p.m. at Town Spa. To find more locations, you can go to the Girl Scout website and type in a zip code to support a specific troupe in your area.
Girl Scout cookie season is in full swing, with troops in Petersburg receiving and distributing thousands of boxes of cookies. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in supporting their Girl ...
Rogan cited a flawed study by Moms Across America that found that all Girl Scout cookies contain toxic metals. On his podcast Monday, he called the cookies "toxic as (expletive)." In a statement ...