Despite a waiver by the Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, many development assistance and cooperation programmes are on hold.
Card. Oswald Gracias, archbishop emeritus of Mumbai, tells AsiaNews of the bishops' closeness to the victims of the crush ...
Farhan Javed, 28, lives in a small village with his widowed mother. Family members: ‘Fair investigation taking into account ...
A study by the National Youth Policy Institute of middle and high school students highlights the problem, criticising the working conditions teenagers face. Only 18 per cent of adolescents who suffer ...
The first gathering of ‘ideological’ immigrants who came to the country thanks to the ‘spiritual and moral’ visas introduced ...
As part of the truce, five Thais and three Israelis were released today, including Agam Berger. The Netanyahu government complains over the process. After 40 years in prison, the ...
Al Jolani appointed president for Syria transition, constitution suspended; Seventy Rohingya land in Indonesia, while 5,000 Burmese return to the border town Maungdaw; Thai ...
人质是自 2023 年 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击犹太国家以来最具争议和争议的问题之一,当时以色列方面有 1,200 多人丧生,在加沙引发了一场残酷的战争,造成至少 48,000 人死亡,主要是平民,尤其是妇女和儿童。
Farhan Javed, 28 anni, è vive in un piccolo villaggio con la madre vedova. I familiari: “Indagine equa che tenga conto del ...
Lo afferma un rapporto condotto dall'Istituto nazionale per le politiche giovanili tra gli studenti delle medie e delle ...
Nonostante la deroga diffusa dal segretario di Stato, Marco Rubio, molte attività di assitenza e cooperazione allo sviluppo ...