Veteran NBC anchor Lester Holt is stepping down from 'Nightly News' after a decade, with plans to expand his work on 'Dateline.' ...
In an internal memo released to news outlets Monday morning, Holt — who turns 66 in March — said that after "10 years, 17 if ...
Lester Holt, NBC's 'NBC Nightly News' anchor for a decade, announces his departure to expand his role at 'Dateline.' ...
Veteran news anchor Lester Holt will remain with “Dateline” full-time following stepping down from “Nightly News.” ...
In my 30 some years as a journalist, and my 50 some years as a person of color, go f–k yourself,” Don Lemon said as he drank ...
Holt’s ties to KCRA go beyond the station’s affiliation with NBC. Holt is a former KCRA intern. He grew up in the Sacramento ...