Container ships transport the majority of the products we consumer every day, but how fast do they travel on the high seas? Here's what we know.
Container ships almost never pull into the Port of Charleston on time, and that has at least one board member with the S.C.
A rescue operation is under way in the English Channel after a fire broke out on a cargo ship off the Kent coast. Coastguard ...
The multi-purpose fleet of single and 'tweendeck general cargo ships is surprisingly large — numbering nearly 17,000 vessels totaling about 80 million dwt — and is estimated to carry more than ...
The MSC Baltic III cargo ship is still aground in Cedar Cove, near Lark Harbour on Newfoundland's west coast. (Submitted by ...
JaxPort, JEA. city and state will share cost for raising river-spanning transmission lines. Helicopters will be part of construction team.
A Liberia-flagged cargo ship carrying corn from a Russian port to Turkey is trying to stop water leaking in after sustaining a crack in the Sea of Azov earlier this week, Russia's port agency said.