Entertainment The 50-year-old Ruby Dhalla featured in a film over two decades ago. The film, titled Kyon? Kis Liye? is a Bollywood-inspired Hindi-language film that was shot on a low budget.
Three of P.E.I.’s four MPs have endorsed former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney for leadership of the federal Liberal Party of Canada. On Jan. 27, Lawrence MacAulay, the Cardigan MP and minister ...
By: Jonathan Juha Hundreds of thousands of Ontarians have received their “taxpayer rebate,” a $200 cheque promised last fall by Premier Doug Ford. If you haven’t yet, don’t sweat it, it’s likely on ...
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says Canada should bar American companies from all federal government procurement contracts if U.S. President Donald Trump hits the country with damaging tariffs.