The first movie theater in Miami was Kelly’s Theater in 1906, which sat on the south side of Flagler Street near the old Burdines. Kelly’s gave way to the more palatial theaters with sloping floors, ...
The cinematic landscape of the United States is undergoing a profound transformation, with several historic movie thea ...
Jason Statham is one of the most popular action heroes of the 21st century, and many of the action movies of his career have been as crazy as action movies can get. Statham first popped on many action ...
HOUSTON, Texas -- Only a handful of drive-in movie theaters remain in Texas. One is located east of downtown Houston. Moonstruck Drive-In features newly released movies and incredible views of the ...
HOUSTON, Texas -- The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is keeping the magic of 35mm films alive in an era dominated by digital movies. Currently, the museum houses the only space in town playing reel ...
It seems only apt that the first big-budget, serious racing movie in a while — excluding Ford v Ferrari for reasons I’ll explain — comes out in a year where quite a few motorsports movies ...
For decades, popcorn has been a staple of the movie theater experience and exhibitors’ bottom lines. Now, the receptacle it comes in is becoming just as important. As recently as three years ago ...
After unveiling the trailer, Adarsh Gourav, who plays the role of Nasir in the film, visited the real-life setting of the film, turning the promotional tour into an immersive reel-to-real experience .
Nicki Wilson was shocked when her local newspaper reported in March 2023 that the Triplex Theater, an independent four-screen movie house in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, was shutting down after ...