Current local time in Juba (Africa/Juba timezone). Get information about the Africa/Juba time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in ...
The plane crashed at the Unity oilfield airport on Wednesday morning as it was heading to the capital Juba, Gatwech Bipal, Unity State’s information minister, said. Bipal said the passengers ...
Some parents in South Sudan’s capital Juba, are facing the dilemma of choosing between private or public schools for their children as the 2025 academic year approaches. Whereas the high tuition ...
Mayat’s wife, Amira Alnahawi, told Radio Tamazuj Monday afternoon that she believes security agents arrested her husband in Juba last week. “After reaching out to several contacts in Juba ...
South Sudanese authorities have suspended access to social media platforms for a minimum of 30 days after videos depicting the alleged killings of South Sudanese nationals in Sudan’s El Gezira ...