A singing balloon experiment is a great way to learn how sound works. If you put a small coin inside a balloon and spin it, ...
Planting and watching seeds grow is a fantastic spring science activity for children. Kids can start with a bean or seed in a ...
If you’re looking for easy activities to keep kids busy on a rainy day, you’re in the right place. Make the most of the weather with my collection of easy science experiments for a rainy day. Children ...
Valentine’s Day is a time for hearts, love, friendship and……optical illusions? Thaumatropes are one the earliest forms of animation and were once a popular toy ...
You’ve probably seen lightning flash across the sky, but do you know why and how it happens? This simple science activity teaches how lightning forms and how to ...
The Stroop effect is a phenomenon where it takes longer to name a word’s colour when the text colour doesn’t match the word. It’s a fun way to learn how your brain works. Try saying the colours of the ...
Get ready to unleash your inner scientist with my HUGE collection of science experiments and investigations for home and school. Most of the activities use inexpensive materials you probably already ...
If you read Science Sparks often, you’ll know how much we love LEGO®. The play, learning and creative opportunities are endless, so today we’re sharing 40 of our favourite LEGO® science experiments ...
Mark a start and finish line on the ramp or use my handy sheet. Pour the syrupy liquids down the ramp one at a time. Start the timer as the liquid passes over the start line and stop when it passes ...
These remarkable female scientists changed the world with their discoveries, paving the way for generations of women to follow their dreams. Read a book and try a science activity related to the story ...