"We are the first mission to be able to track space weather events in three dimensions routinely across the solar system." The sun, for all its glitz, tends to hide behind a veil of mystery.
A little-known chapter of the Hubble Space Telescope’s history is a reminder of the risks of looking at the sun If you’ve ever done any public outreach work for astronomy—if you’ve given ...
But, if space scientists can spot what's happening on the Sun in real time, this can "work as a forewarning to switch off power grids and satellites and keep them out of harm's way". "India's ...
This magnetic cycle lasts approximately 22 years, through which the sun's magnetic field reverses and then reverts to its original state, Ryan French, a solar astrophysicist and Space.com ...
They selling you on space,” Jackson said when asked by Schaub about why scientists believe the planet is round. “The sun is real. The sun and the moon are real. But outer space is not.” ...
However, this almost-mini-moon is still special as it is potentially a piece of the real ... sun. These quantum particles, called photons, exert a tiny bit of force when they encounter objects in ...
Because the blast was on the side of the sun facing away from us, however, its impacts on our planet were greatly reduced. The European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter was in position to take a ...
A very rare treat is about to grace Earth's night skies.