Many of us don’t think too much about radiation levels in our area, until a nuclear disaster hits and questions are raised. Radiation monitoring is an important undertaking, both from a public ...
The military wanted to test ... radiation burst from the nuclear warhead was far bigger than expected. The 1.4 megaton explosion created “an artificial radiation belt and raising the intensity ...
A drone armed with a warhead hit the outer shell of Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear plant, briefly starting a fire, in an attack ...
AMS was used first operationally in nuclear arms testing at the Nevada Test Site to measure radiation levels above ground after underground nuclear weapons tests. AMS helicopters were also used ...
Radiation at such levels can kill a person if they are exposed for an hour, according to experts. The estimated figure was 30 petabecquerels for the No. 3 reactor.
CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER STATION, Ukraine — A drone armed with a warhead hit the protective outer shell of Ukraine’s Chernobyl ...