For 162 million years, sturgeons have fended off everything they’ve faced. Now scientists are racing to save these living ...
and fish eggs. Also known as the rock sturgeon, the lake sturgeon is one of 27 species of sturgeon, a family of bony fish that found around the world that first appears in the fossil record more ...
Hayley Herzig speared the 4th-largest sturgeon ever recorded in the Lake Winnebago, Wis. system with the prehistoric fish dwarfing her own body: ...
“It’s a pretty cool fish. It was really neat to see.” After taking photos along the shoreline, Helmer released the albino sturgeon, leaving him with amazing memories and quite a fish tale to ...
As the 2025 sturgeon spearing season kicks off Saturday, and the thrill of nabbing a prize fish hits, don't forget to take a photo! We'd like to collect your photos from this year's season to ...
Lake sturgeon are a protected species in Michigan and must be released immediately if caught. The fish are long-lived, slow to mature, and were overfished in the 1800s, leading to their threatened ...
A huge fish that outlived the dinosaurs is now on the brink of becoming extinct in UK waters - here's when a 9ft 3" sturgeon was caught in ...
Spearers took a total of 31 fish from the Winnebago system ... 79.5-inch female speared on Lake Winnebago. Share your sturgeon spearing photos and videos with us here: Spearing on the upriver ...
She posted on Facebook Monday following the catch that it was the fish of a lifetime, including several photos of the monster catch. Herzig's sturgeon was one of 82 speared on opening day.