Dennis the Menace is a 1993 American family comedy film based on the Hank Ketcham comic strip of the same name. Dennis the Menace concerns the misadventures of a mischievous child (Mason Gamble ...
Dennis the Menace is a 1993 American family comedy film based on the Hank Ketcham comic strip of the same name. Dennis the Menace concerns the misadventures of a mischievous child (Mason Gamble ...
When "Dennis Mitchell's" parents go on a trip, they trust their mischievous son with their neighbor, "Mr. Wilson." "Dennis," of course, turns "Mr. Wilson's" life upside down with his playful ...
Dennis the Menace is a 1993 American family comedy film based on the Hank Ketcham comic strip of the same name. Dennis the Menace concerns the misadventures of a mischievous child (Mason Gamble ...