Geography was cruel to young Corey Crawford. At 15 ... 10,385 and 8,203 in three seasons with the Rockford IceHogs. In his rookie AHL season, he had a 19-day road trip that started in Bridgeport ...
He’ll be the fourth member of the ring and will join former Chicago Blackhawks and IceHogs teammate Corey Crawford, who was inducted last season. As Bickell made his way to Rockford and was ...
Blackhawks Head Coach Joel Quenneville pulls Corey Crawford from the net ... for a different part of his hockey career. The Rockford IceHogs will induct Bryan Bickell into their Ring of Honor.
Goaltender Scott Darling made the most of his opportunities in the IceHogs net and an injury to Blackhawks netminder Corey Crawford early in the year gave Darling his shot at the NHL, one which he ...
He joins Corey Crawford, Steve Martinson, and J.F. Rivard in the exclusive club. Bickell played in over 200 games with the IceHogs and won three Stanley Cups with the Chicago Blackhawks.