"It is a great stroke of luck that Aditya-L1 was able to witness such a strong flare right at the beginning of its research ...
Aditya-L1’s SUIT detects a solar flare kernel in near-UV for the first Observations confirm energy transfer across different ...
Watching a flare erupt from the sun The Solar Orbiter, in which the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research is also involved, is much closer to the sun at a maximum of 42 million kilometers ...
Scientists at the Centre of Excellence in Space Sciences India (CESSI) at IISER Kolkata are excited about the first ...
Images from ISRO’s Aditya-L1—India’s first mission to the Sun—reveal ... These particles can impact space weather and potentially disrupt radio communications and satellite operations. Researchers ...
SUIT has captured a solar flare ‘kernel’ in the photosphere and chromosphere, recording images in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) ...