Please Stop Cutting Our Federal Government With A Chain Saw

"We have to be very careful about how we use state money for business going forward," says Matt Meyer, Delaware's new ...
Gov. Matt Meyer talks about his priorities as he settles into his new role as chief executive of the First State.
Along with her new leadership role, Harris and fellow legislator Rep. Valerie Jones Giltner, a Georgetown Republican, were ...
Gov. Matt Meyer’s comments mark an apparent compromise for the newly state-sanctioned Delaware Hispanic Commission.
A slew of public pension funds wrote a letter opposing proposed changes to Delaware corporate law that they contend will ...
Ensuring an on-time recreational cannabis market launch offers economic growth, enhanced public safety, regional competitiveness and social equity.
Delmarva’s customers say they can’t afford gas and electric bills that doubled, and in some cases tripled, in January. Gov. Meyer says he’s in search of a new Public Advocate.
Six weeks after being sworn in, Delaware Governor Matt Meyer touched upon soaring electricity rates, revising the state's ...